Your Gateway to Better Health
Dr. Laura Bertram is originally from Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. She was introduced to Chiropractic care after having a car accident in high school and kept it in mind as a career possibility. She always enjoyed helping people, so it was a perfect fit.
Dr. Laura graduated from UW-Fond du Lac with an Associate's degree in Arts and Science and then attended UW-Oshkosh. She received a Bachelor of Science degree and graduated magna cum laude with a Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1999. Dr. Laura also met her husband, Dr. Craig Tarini, while attending Palmer.
After graduating, Dr. Laura practiced in Sturgeon Bay, WI for 2 years. These two years provided valuable experience in opening Gateway Chiropractic Center with Dr. Craig in January 2002.
Dr. Laura started as an affiliate with the Juice Plus company in 2007. She is passionate about helping people with their nutritional gaps through the use of Juice Plus products and lifestyle recommendations.
Dr. Laura loves to spend time with Dr. Craig and their girls Julia and Lily. Louie, the family dog is always fun to play with too! She enjoys trying new things and likes to stay active. Outdoor activities and watching movies are always fun for Dr. Laura. New endeavors include theatre, singing, drumming, skydiving, surfing…there are many things on the list to try!